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Storytelling for Change

The challenge:

How do we design a digital platform for young people that tells stories of African leadership, innovation and change in a more engaging and interactive way?

Throughout history, stories have been used to construct and perpetuates ideas, stereotypes and culture. How about using it as a tool to support young people's leadership development process in Africa? AlphaXX is a digital platform that produces featured documentaries of the lives of extraordinary leaders, thinkers, and visionaries in and from Nigeria. It can be likened as a hybrid of Netflix and a digital magazine – let us call it a video magazine. By using the joint power of entertainment, inspiration, education, and community, we are empowering young people to think of bold ideas, develop resilience, and solve complex problems we face in the world today.


Prototyping and Pilot Test

Phase 1

Having grounded the project on user research with a few low fidelity prototypes and also user testing, here is the pilot version of AlphaXX

Fundraising & Community 


Phase 2

Coming Soon

Phase 3

Redesigning for Mobile


Coming Soon

Phase 4

First Round of Content Production

Coming Soon


Project Dev
Abraham Ologundudu

Abraham Ologundudu

Abraham Ologundudu is a digital designer and communications strategist with interests in social change & its intersection with media, culture, design and emerging technologies. He has over 7 years of experience working on projects relating to economic growth and social inclusion in Africa. This has earned him the name The Digital Leader.


Abraham’s journey began as a 15-year-old who self-coded and founded Seasoned Life Journal; a blog that helped young adults with self-help tips for personal productivity. In 5 years, he generated over 530,000 views from in 37 countries.


He currently serves as one of the 13 +SocialGood Connectors of the United Nations Foundation, bringing critical voices and perspectives from around the globe to drive innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals through new media and technology.


Abraham is a Master’s student of Media Practice for Development and Social Change at the University of Sussex, where his dissertation is a multimedia project focused on investigating how women in the technology-related field of design in Nigeria, perceive themselves and their work in such a male-dominated industry and patriarchal (culture) country.


His work has been recognised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ashoka Africa, & the Royal Commonwealth Society, London

The Designer
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